What is Online Counselling?
Sessions have the same structure as face to face counselling but take place online via a secure platform such as google meet or zoom. (both are free to download)
How does it work?
Using a secure platform such as Google Meet, we would meet virtually. The session follows the same format as In person Counselling, a one to one session. You are free to discuss anything without judgement by me. The sesion is 50 minutes long. You would need to choose a confidential space, at a time and place that is convinient to you.
Before our session, I will email or text (which ever you prefer) a secure link to the meeting.
I hold a online and counselling qualification that ensures I am equipped with the skills, knowledge and ability to work online.
Online counselling has the same level of confidentiality as in person counselling, all data is stored securely.
I will be in my counselling room which is a confidential space with no interuptions and you would need to find a comfortable space with privacy where you can't be overheard.
Google meet usually doesn't suffer with connection problems, however, we can discuss how we can proceed if this happens for example, we can continue by phone.
What do I need to bring?
You can choose where you join the online session from, anywhere secure and comfortable.
What if I don’t like it?
This is your therapy and if online Counselling is not working for you, we can resume sessions in another form. We could try in person if you are close or telephone counselling.
Fees are the same with the same payment terms as other forms - £40 per counselling hour (50 Minutes)
Please contact me with any questions you have about online therapy.