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In Person

What is In Person Counselling?

Meeting face to face in my private and welcoming counselling garden room in rural Billingshurst for a 50 minute session.

How does it work?

In the first session we will discuss your expectations, I will also explain confidentiality, fees and any boundaries.

We would usually meet weekly or fortnightly at a pre arranged time. The session would usually be just client and therapist. You can talk about what you want and don't have to talk about anything you don't want to. I will not pry or push you. 



There is parking available for one car. 


My garden room has no passers by so you won't be overheard. Anything that is discussed will be confidential (except in circumstances that we will discuss). I don't usually make notes but if I do they will be stored securely, seperately from your contact details and not identifiable to you. Only I will be able to access them and you can request to see any information that I hold about you.


My counselling space is insured and regularly risk asessed for both our safety.

There is a step into/out of the room. Please discuss any access requirements you may have.


What do I need to bring?

Only yourself!


What if I don’t like it?

This is your therapy and if In Person Counselling is not working for you, we can try  sessions in another form - online or walk and talk.

You are free to end sessions when you choose.


In Person Counseeling is arranged in advance 


Fees are the same with the same payment terms as other forms- £40 per counselling hour (50 Minutes)

Please contact me with any questions you have.

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